Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Church revisited...again

I recently saw a post on Facebook about how people shouldn't be choosing a church based on the activities. I should have replied right back to that person but I don't like confrontation and, well frankly, this blog is my soapbox.

The comment was that people think they are Christian just because they have helped someone else AND that they shouldn't choose a church based on the activities. Well, because of my recent church experience I was offended by this. I agree that by simply being a "good person" and helping people doesn't make you a Christian. However, I also DON'T think the type of church you go to makes you a Christian either. There are plenty of people who go to church every Sunday morning and they don't have a personal relationship with God. I have stayed out of church for the last few years just because of attitudes like this person on Facebook has.

I think church is important and it's definitely something I'm looking for right now in my life. BUT, my relationship with God isn't dependent on whether I go to church or not. I know it says somewhere in the bible about gathering together with other Christians. I think that is important but it doesn't have to be at church. It can be a bible study group, a group of like-minded friends, or talking to someone on the street about God. In another post I wrote, I said that
"I feel closer to God in my garden than anywhere else"...including church. My faith and my relationship is stronger now than ever and that has everything to do with my personal prayer life, personal bible study and devotions. What I get from Church is fellowship, new ideas and encouragement. Church is a very small part of my faith walk.

Here is my thought on choosing a church based on activities. Do the activities encourage and inspire your personal relationship with God? Do they get you to Church when you otherwise wouldn't go? Do you learn something from them? Do you get to fellowship with other believers?

If the answer is Yes, then choose a church based on the activities. many people have I offended? I'm sorry if I have but this is where I'm coming from on this whole church thing.

The bottom line for me is this: God knows my heart. He knows my thoughts. He knows I have a close relationship with Him. He knows I have faith in Him. He knows I go to Him for answers. He knows His plans for me and I trust in those plans.


  1. You spoke to me Jackie when you said God knows what is in my heart and in my mind. Your choice of church is personal and the reasons you chose it are personal. Why does it matter IF YOU ARE GOING TO CHURCH and praising God??

    Good though provoking post!

  2. After reading your post, I found myself wondering which God you follow. I don't mean that to be offensive but it seems that everyone (including mainline Christian churches) has a different "idea" of God these days and arguements start when we discuss different Gods thinking we are all discussing the same.

    Is your God the God of the Bible?

    Then open the book He has given us and ask for understanding and begin reading. He is our maker and our Lord and all that is necessary for a happy life is between the pages.

    Yep, He's made it that simple.


  3. Susan, thanks for your comment and I’m not offended. I appreciate that we all see things differently. I’m not sure what you read in my post to make you think that I don’t believe in the God of the Bible. I believe Jesus died for my sins. However, I don’t believe that I have to worship in a “religious” way at a certain kind of a church. I didn’t find God in church! BUT I have learned more about Him there and I think church can nurture and help grow my relationship with Him as well. Church is a place to worship God, but I don’t think it’s the only place. I can worship Him in the things I do everyday like my service to my family and others. I can worship Him in my work and I can worship Him in how I live. I don’t need church for that. As far as your comment about opening up the bible. Susan, I found God in the Bible! The Bible is where I’ve learned to love Him like a Father and how to go to Him when I need help and How to praise Him in the Good Time and the Bad. I didn’t need church for that either. My relationship with God is very personal and the reason I wrote this post is that I suspect there are many people in the world who have struggled with “church” just like I have. However, at this point in my life, I do see a need for church and some of my other posts have reflected that.

  4. Thanks! We ARE taking about the same heavenly Father then! I think it was not so much what I read in your post as what I didn't read.

    I've been looking for a church too. A church that follows the bible. A church that beleives in Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    So when I saw some women working in the flower beds of this nice country church, I stopped to chat. I thought it might be a way to find out about their beliefs. Yes, they beleived in the bible, in was sounding really good. I was so happy, maybe this would work. But after about an hour, and a tour of the church, I hear about the pastor getting direct words from heaven. Excuse me? Who was doing the talking? I found I had a previous engagement and took off. Yikes. (They were an off shoot of a branch of Latter Day Saints, I think).

    Finding a biblically beleiving, (and following) church is not easy during these times. And the bible makes it clear that we are to run from unsound teaching.

    But it does tell us that the church of beleivers is the body and we should be a part of the body.

    How else can we do that if not in a church? Help! I've been a born again for about 5 years now and am still searching.

    I know the perfect church probably doesn't exsist but I think it's important to do as the bible says too. So I continue to look. And our children and neighbors learn from us too. I want to be a good example to others.

    Friends that I thought were beleivers got angry when I pulled out a bible. How could that be? That's how I discovered there seems to be more than one "God". Now I always ask.

    Thanks for helping me remember my search. I do think church (bieng in the company of other believers) is very important. Maybe we should start our own? Opps...that was a joke. I've got an excellent Christian radio station where I've discovered some excellent teachers who are keeping me going.


  5. I hear you, girl!! We chose a church in our area that has the same beliefs as us. But we also chose it for its programs. not for us, but for the kids. I feel that if they don't work to teach the children, the church is dead. It works really well for us... probably the only time that peer pressure will be good. i find that, for myself, it keeps me on my toes as far as my Christian walk goes. Without it, I fall back. I am still working on my faith. I have had a very hard few years and am working through a lot with Him right now. Sometimes I feel like Job, so I am really glad that I do have my church. When I get better in my walk, and if I didn't have kids, I wouldn't feel it necessary. There didn't use to be (good english, eh?) churches. It was more small bible studies and groups. The concept of church is a lot newer than people think. Great post!!

  6. Thanks Kelly! We are choosing a church based on it's programs for the kids too. It's not the church I would probably choose for myself but that's okay. I see what you mean about church keeping you on your toes.

    Thanks for all the comments everyone and have a great 4th!

  7. Jackie,I liked your last paragraph. God does know our hearts. Some people go to church just for show. But God knows our hearts and our thoughts. I'm glad you found a church that you and your children enjoy attending.


Thank you so much for visiting my blog when you have so many other choices. I appreciate your comments.