Friday, January 20, 2012

Small Everyday Joys...

"Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm"
~Earl Nightingale

One of the best parts of being a Mom is watching who my children are becoming.  This little guy is fun to watch.  His creativity and personality are a true joy to me.  Writing and drawing are one of his favorite things to do and he takes great care in deciding what he wants to say on paper whether it's a note or a drawing.

I'm glad it's Friday...for a short work week it's been kind of a long one.  We have a full weekend planned with visits from my cousin Denise and her family and other activities as well.  

On the menu tonight...

I hope your Friday is a great day.  See you on Sunday for a scripture I've been working on this week.



  1. Hope you have a fun visit with your family. Your menu sounds really good for tonight! I love watching my children growing also! Especially my daughter at how well she's adjusting to living away in Florida while attending college and my son who is just continues to surprise me with his independence considering how attached he was to me as a toddler! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. He's a cutie! Enjoy your weekend! Sounds like you will be eating good tonight!

  3. It's hard to remember to step back sometimes and just "SEE" our kids. Not teach or train or correct, just see them as people. I've had a rough day with mine, thanks for inspiring me to adjust my perception.


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